Sunday, September 27, 2009


Well, I've been a little out of the loop lately, but I'm back! (Huzzah!) The Red Bull show was pretty sweet, with a lot of great boards to look at. My work at Channel 33 Project is getting good reviews, and I am going down there for the 1st Friday Art Walk this week in order to swindle some potential art-buyers... hehehe.
Here is something I did today after hearing some radio host talk about kids coming out of the closet in 6th grade... I did a few of them, but this is my favorite. I think I'll turn these into promo cards to send out next week or so. Enjoy my little paper doll friend!


  1. i have hated every tranny child I have ever met, but this one truely warms my heart. Thanks for taking the hurt away.

  2. thanks lionelephantomoftheoperationdeathstar!!!!
