Friday, October 16, 2009


Here is another project I've been working on. I am trying to create a whole new portfolio, and so far, I am 8 projects in out a possible 15 (that is what I am shooting for). My social and personal life is basically non-existent at the moment.... so, I feel this couldn't be a more perfect time to do this. Let's just hope I don't drink myself into a coma. Ha ha naw, I'm just kidding, I'd never do that before I've skydived or had group sex.
this is a logo I created out of a sketch-doodle thingy. I scanned it into Photoshop and played around with possible ads for a soap product... and voila!

... then I took the original drawing, and used it as the ad itself...

So, anyway I am motivating myself on the basis of not living at home forever; a pretty solid motivator I believe. Also I have actually been enjoying this project, which is huge for me since I spent most of my school days despising computers (I still think they are going to be the catalyst to the apocalypse).

1 comment:

  1. great work baby. you get better and better. hang in there soon you'll be as rich as nazis. and if you ever want to get that group thing going...give me a call.
